Saturday, 9 December 2017


Through slender creeks, soft silhouettes gleam
Leading all the moths in your stomach upstream
And shadows keep musing under moon's glimmery
Hearing hazy hushes of an obscure memory

Murk midst the mind, eyes crystal clear
Fizzle out, the notions, those you hold dear
Glances yearn the lights of blind heeds
Vision defies and discomfort misleads

To embrace the rain on an endless empty lane,
Put a poker face on an inverted insane
Weaving feeble wools until eyelids fall,
The wilted wallflowers and flies on the wall

Hoarding heaps of tobacco to flare the anguish
Fitting filters of facade, footsteps relinquish
Twist tendrils of pain, hide the shivers of snow
Glances deceive, glances decease your love.